Articles and White Papers

"Collaborative Innovation helps to deal with Conflict in the Workplace", in Boston Business Journal: Mass High Tech   (downloadable pdf)

"Downsizing, layoffs and new opportunities for Architects", in Practicing Architecture: Knowledge Communities (American Institute of Architects AIA), (downloadable pdf)

"Finding the Management Skills to get the job done", in Mass High Tech Journal (downloadable pdf)

"PSST.....lots of workers hate the boss: change that", in Mass High Tech Journal (downloadable pdf)

"Resilience", in THINKING ALOUD, newsletter for Global online social networking group for women in business and technology (downloadable pdf)

"The Retention Factor", White Paper,  (downloadable pdf)

"Women and Men at Work: Leadership and the Difficult Conversation", in MassPsych: The Periodical of the Massachusetts Psychological Association (downloadable pdf)

Betty Doo's News & Views Newsletter Archive


Click below for archived articles, tips and brief videos on Leadership Development Topics**

**Newsletter discontinued in 2014 but archived editions available to download.